
The Centennial History Through the Car Window at the Vilnius Auto Museum

Opened in 2023, the unique Vilniaus Auto Museum of historical transport heritage invites participants and visitors of the Lithuanian Song Celebration to an unforgettable journey through time.

At the Vilnius Auto Museum, you will be transported back to the times of the first Song Celebrations. Here, you will be greeted with breathtaking stories about the struggles for independence and the battles trophies, that became museum exhibits. You will see what vehicles the presidents of Lithuania drove in the interwar period, which cars rolled into the Song Festivals, showcased fashions and status on Laisvės Avenue, sped in the “Around Lithuania” rally, or adorned state parades.

Here you will see more than 110 exhibits – from 19th-century bicycles and carriages, cars that carried kings, popes, and presidents, the strangest post-war vehicles to the first Lithuanian racing cars.

After polishing Jonas Vailokaitis’ “Cord L-29,” dusting off President Antanas Smetona’s “Delaunay-Belleville,” and wiping the last drops of oil from the legendary racer Antanas Ilgauskas’ “Harley Davidson,” we await your visit!

Practical Information

  • Where? Vilnius Auto Museum, Dariaus ir Girėno str. 2, Vilnius (near the Railway and Bus stations)
  • When? The Vilnius Auto Museum is open daily (except Tuesdays) from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • What else? From June 28 to July 7, visitors presenting Song Festival participant accreditation or a ticket to the Song Festival at the Auto Museum ticket office will receive the following admission prices: 10 euros for adults and 5 euros for children (aged 6 to 18).
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