
The Vilnius Auto Museum will invite you to search for the missing interwar car in Kaunas

On May 20-26 daysVilnius Automotive museum and „LTG Link“ 616Kaunas birthdayinvites to celebrate in Vilnius too. Arriving in Vilnius by train, Kaunas residents are welcome in Vilnius Automotive museaum.After presenting the train ticket at the ticket office, the entrance to the museum will cost 10%. pigiau. And the museum is located just a 20-minute walk from the Vilnius train station.

We will invite Kaunians and all car and history enthusiasts to go to interwar Kaunas and travel the streets of the temporary capital with the brightest cars of the era. Many famous people from Kaunas – singer Kipras Petrauskas, architect Arnas Funkas, engineer Pranas Hiksas or business magnate Jonas Vailokaitis – were united by a common passion for cars. Many objects of their passion can be seen in the Vilnius Auto Museum. On the occasion of Kaunas’ birthday on May 25-26, we will give tours and tell you who owned the most luxurious car of the Art Deco era that drove in Kaunas between the wars. Even the pilot Feliksas Vaitkus, who flew over the Atlantic in 1935 on the “Lithuanika II” plane, sat in it! We will reveal who was not only the most famous owner of Harley Davidson in Kaunas, but also the unofficial ambassador of the Shell company, we will tell you what car caught the eye of Alexander Stulginskis’s wife Ona in Paris and thanks to it became presidential, and many other interesting stories. Time of free guided tours about interwar Kaunas: 12.00-13.30; 15.00-16.00. The promotion for tickets will be applied when purchasing tickets at the museum box office, on May 20-26.

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